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George Lewis - Oxana Omelchuk - Studio Dan
About this album

Both these works have profound things to say about how we experience, retain and communicate information. Vannevar Bush asserted that it was the privilege and duty of mankind not just to know, to accu- mulate information, but to understand it and make it play. Both of these wonderful works bring us closer to that, not in the sense of revealing their own processes, as Oxana Omelchuk says, but in grasping how things fit together, function together, and ultimately, how we live together. (Brian Morton). STUDIO DAN ensemble - Line Up track #1: Sophia Goidinger-Koch violin, Maiken Beer violoncello, Manuel Mayr double bass, Thomas Frey flutes, Clemens Salesny alto saxophone, Dominik Fuss trumpet, Daniel Riegler trombone, Michael Tiefenbacher piano, Mathias Koch drums STUDIO DAN ensemble - Line Up track #2: Matthias Muche trombone solo, Daniel Riegler trombone solo, Sophia Goidinger-Koch violin, Maiken Beer violoncello, Constantin Herzog double bass, electric bass, Thomas Frey flutes, Clemens Salesny alto saxophone, clarinets, Dominik Fuss trumpet, Michael Tiefenbacher piano, synthesizer, sampler, Mathias Koch drums

July 19, 2023


1. As We May Feel (m: George Lewis) 25:10 2. Wow And Flutter (m: Oxana Omelchuk) 25:03

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