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Die Unwucht

Christopher Kunz & Florian Fischer
About this album

Christopher Kunz - tenor & soprano saxophones Florian Fischer - drums Neither musician has to be dominant to prove that he has something to say. Instead of trying to outdo each other, they develop a compelling, very soulful world of their own. In the history of jazz they are two more rhapsodists continuing the tradition, while changing the context of the stories and thus making them plausible. What is amazing is their calm maturity that does completely without the frills of electronics. Dense and compact but at the same time transparent and delicate the music progresses dramatically in alternating waves. No one wants to dominate the other when two individualists join forces. These recordings strike a different tone than we’re used to in a world of constant clicking and zapping. This tone is of an impressive intensity which is always gentle and never bossy. (Ulrich Steinmetzger)

September 1, 2023


1. First Intake 02:56 2. Pflock 06:34 3. Weber 05:24 4. Netting 06:19 5. From Another Time 06:40 6. Pedestrian Mode 07:08 7. Leuchten 05:16

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