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Florian Stoffner, John Butcher & Chris Corsano
About this album

Florian Stoffner - guitar John Butcher - tenor & soprano saxophones Chris Corsano - drums & half-clarinet Here, then, are three men who have, if you will, won the argument already. They don’t need excess volume or headline soloing to get their message across. Their message is inscribed in elegant lower-case and rarely used aural fonts. You will find yourself leaning forward because not a note or whisper should be missed ... (Brian Morton)

September 4, 2023


1. Soft Geometry 07:26 2. The Zoo Is Next Door 05:22 3. Little Secrets taken To Our Graves 06:18 4. Gneis 05:49 5. Charlatans Selling Miracles 08:15 6. Smaller Infinities 11:36 7. Elegant Frost 04:12

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