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Simon Lucaciu Trio
About this album

Simon Lucaciu - piano Florian Müller - double bass Lukas Heckers - drums The album's title is borrowed from computer language: STRG + X is the key combination for “cut to the clipboard” to be temporarily stored and pasted somewhere else at a later time. Perhaps the most important quality of this carefully thought-out yet anything but cerebral music: it is aware of its means and can twist and turn and rearrange them as it pleases, in which case improvised contexts create their own forms and play with original material in a fresh, new way. This is a creative process, for which merely playing back standard phrases is not enough nor does pure virtuosity suffice. (Ulrich Steinmetzger).

October 29, 2023


1. umrisS 04:35 2. rioT 02:14 3. negotiation onE 02:03 4. abzUg 02:09 5. nEgotiation two 04:12 6. biRd of prophets 06:56 7. Uninformed 04:38 8. aNomalie 02:43 9. agGression 01:42 10. mor+phing 03:30 11. X elf 05:53

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